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Isn't it annoying? You've decided on a new name, you've developed your logo, graphic profile and strategies. You just need to check if the domain you want is available. It is! You put it on hold, wait a few days and go ahead with the domain purchase, maybe with web hosting too. So is the domain no longer available? What the heck?

More information in the post

  • Why is your preferred domain no longer available?

  • What are the risks?

  • How to best prevent

Why is your preferred domain no longer available?

Tracking and logging your search

When you use an insecure or popular domain registrar's search tool, your search is logged and saved. These services often keep records of domains searched for marketing and business intelligence purposes.

Data sharing with third parties

Many registrar and WHOIS services share data with third parties, including domain brokers and speculators. These entities monitor domain search trends to identify potentially valuable domains.

Domain Front Running

Some domain brokers or speculators may engage in a practice called Domain Front Running, which involves registering a domain immediately after discovering someone's interest in it. The intention is to resell it at a higher price to the original applicant.

What are the risks?

Increased cost of domain registration

If a broker or speculator registered the domain you were interested in, they usually sell it for a significantly higher price. You may have to pay a premium to acquire the domain from them.

Risk of losing the domain

In some cases, you may not be able to secure the domain at all if a broker decides to keep it or if it is bought by someone else who was monitoring similar search patterns.

How to best prevent

To avoid obstacles on the way, follow safe search procedures.

Hire someone to help you

Hire someone who knows this stuff inside out, like or others. They will make sure your brand is protected online in the best possible way.

Use reputable WHOIS tools

Use WHOIS services known for privacy and security. These tools minimize data sharing and logging.

For example, use:

Avoid popular registry searches

Avoid using domain search tools on large registrar websites to prevent tracking and potential domain booting.

For example, avoid:

By taking precautions, you can minimize the risk of losing your desired domain to brokers or speculators.

Let us help you choose your domain

Would you like us to help you choose a domain and prevent your preferred domains from being bought before you press the button?

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